Get Exclusive Discount of 52% on your first flight booking with Ostravelz (Limited Time Offer)
Price Match Promise
When booking with Ostravelz, we want you to book with confidence, knowing that you've secured a fantastic deal. Introducing our Price Match Promise (PMP):
If you find a lower price (including taxes and fees) for the same flight itinerary on a Major OTA Competitor’s site within twenty-four (24) hours of booking, we will match that lower price by refunding the difference or, if you prefer, cancel your booking with us for a full refund.
Here are some key details:
- Same Itinerary: The same itinerary means that every element of each offer matches, including airline(s), flight number(s), itinerary, date(s), number of customers, and seat type
- Offered and Available: The lower-priced itinerary must be live on a Major OTA Competitor’s site and available for booking by the general public at the time you contact us.
- Major OTA Competitors: For the PMP, Major OTA Competitors are the U.S. English-language websites of,,, and
How to Invoke the PMP:
Contact us at with your Ostravelz booking number and key details of the lower-priced itinerary. Include documentation such as the exact URL or screenshots for verification.
- The PMP does not apply to fares on membership program websites, corporate discounts, group, charter, rewards program, incentive, meeting, convention, or consolidator fares.
- Military, student, government, tour operator, bulk, vacation package, or "Web Only" fares are excluded.
- The PMP does not apply to “opaque” tickets or tickets issued under a “bidding” or “auction” model.
- Fare errors are also excluded.
We strive to ensure you get the best deal, and our Price Match Promise is our commitment to your satisfaction with Ostravelz.